(ii) Outline four advantages of bus topology. (4 marks)November 2022
Question & Answers Latest Questions
(b) | A company intends to acquire application software to support their operations. Outline four factors, other than cost, they should consider when selecting the software. (4 marks)November 2022 November 2022 (i) Describe bus network topology. (2 marks)November 2022
6. (a) Outline two ways of changing the column width in a spreadsheet worksheet. (2 marks) November 2022
(d) A college intends to improve its operations by connecting all their computers. Outline four benefits the college will gain from this move. (4 marks) November 2022
(c) Salome, a data entry clerk, complained of body aches and pains. Outline four possible —~ work-related causes that may have led to the pains. (4 marks) November 2022
(b) A microfinance company intends to computerize its operations. Outline five computer devices that the company requires to relay the output from computer transactions(5marks)November 2022
(d) Some Technical colleges have embraced online learning. Explain two challenges the students are likely to face from using this mode of learning. (4 marks)November 2022
(c) Right clicking while pointing to a folder provides various operation options that could be performed on the folder. Outline four such operations. (4 marks)November 2022
poe (b) Describe each of the following data processing modes used in computer systems: Gi) Real time; (ii) Time sharing. (4 marks)November 2022
A-4,- (a) The following functions are used in a spreadsheet program: AND, Average, OR, TRUE, IF, AveragelF Classify them as either Statistical or Logical functions. (3 marks)November 2022